Friday 9 August 2013

Tories stoking the fires of hatred

South Basildon and East Thurrock parliamentary candidate speaks out as local and national Tories incite bad feeling towards minority groups.
Over the past few weeks the national Conservative Party have been flexing their arrogant and inflammatory muscles regarding immigration with their “racist van” calling on illegal immigrants to “go home or face arrest”. This was of course a blatant reaction to Ukip and their local successes in this year’s county council elections. It was also an attempt to look tough on immigration. A gross error of judgment on many counts.
Meanwhile, and more locally, Thurrock Tories this week have also stepped up to the plate laid down by Cameron and his right wing cronies in government by releasing specifically disgraceful and inflammatory remarks of their own regarding the loss of a planning application by members of the gypsy and traveller community in Corringham.
Conservative councillor for Corringham and Fobbing Cllr Mark Coxshall is on record as saying about the application: “The council has made a real mess of this by not nipping the issue in the bud at the start but this is not going to be a quick conclusion to the issue, as I am sure this will go to appeal. The travellers are already starting to bed in for a long stay; they have permanent power and water. We all know what happens next, they start building walls and fences and we end up with a section of Stanford that looks like a cross between My Big Fat Gypsy Cesspit and Shameless.”
Representatives of the Irish Traveller community are set to file a complaint to the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) as well as Thurrock Council after the comments.
I fully support the complaint made against Mr. Coxhall’s due to his inflammatory comments and look forward to MP Stephen Metcalfe’s response to his Tory colleague’s outrageous remarks. I will also watch with interest as Tory Homesteads councillor James Halden and Mr. Metcalfe attempt to pull strings with the government and speed up the appeal process to the planning inspectorate as stated by Cllr. Halden.
Eric Pickles MP and secretary of State for Communities and local government has also been talking tough on the issue this week. Mr. Pickles has issued new “guidelines” reminding local authorities in England of their legal powers to deal promptly with illegal travelers. This is nothing new as councils already have strong powers to deal with illegal sites.
Joseph Jones, chairman of the Gypsy Council, accused the government of “reinforcing negative stereotypes” about travellers. He said: “It’s creating tension, it’s a negative thing to do. Local authorities already know how to manage unauthorised encampments. They don’t need the government to tell them how to do it. This latest statement Mr. Pickles has put out doesn’t have anything new in it.”
So from the DCLG, the Home Office, and from within Thurrock Council itself, the Tories are stoking the fires of hatred, creating fear and dividing communities. A shameful act by a party in decline and disgrace.

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